First my mother language is french, and i need to speak french for explain the way i want to take. It's always more easy speak french for me. But, i think, if you want to know more about me, you can write me and ask questions ? You need write me click here.
But i live in vietnam - It's wonderful because this is necessary to write in english, because all friends speak english.
I am zero with vietnamese language. So sorry.
Yes my english is not good, but i prefer talk about ideas...more. Because i don't care about the gramatical question.... I prefer to talk about question in the background. indeep my soul, your soul can unterstand me...and this is what i need.
I have no money for create a marketing team and create a conventionnal website.
This is the reason my website is different.
In the beginning i would like create something so like everyone... because i am a shatterbox, A talkative and many time it's confused if you don't know me.
What i want ? What i do ? What is my way ?
Exactly the good question... What is my work.
Promote culture. Not only Vietnamese or French Culture.
Just think about you and what do you know ?
Knowledge, you have. this is your treasure... At this time you know all this is nothing if you die tomorrow... Share with me.
if you don't have knodledge about Culture ... 2 ways ! You don't care about this... second way, you are curious.
You want create a business ?
You need only become active, but how we can do ?
So many question.
I can not do all, and i would like do more. I have no time and i need work for earn a salary. Time is money and i have no time.
The more i become old, the more time is precious.
My work here is opposite marketing ... My work here is just my shatterbox, and so like a dressmaker, a tailor, i try to do my best for you and for me. What is my best ?