I need you because i need you follow me. here - https://www.facebook.com/florent.chaudemanche
and here - https://www.facebook.com/magou.blanc
here - http://expandwebeu.wixsite.com/lardemagaflor/cv
Follow my work. Not because I want to sell you something. No I need you , because we need work together with the same way.
Work for find money and share for orphenage business or poor people. If everybody share link and photo from my work, all become easy for create communication. If everyone just say ok it's nice, nothing can change. Share share, please all my work you can or you like and trust me . It's wonderful if you help me...if you share my work.
It's free, so what ? if you share i can speak with a good and strong voice. Your power is more and more useful and important.