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Instagram magoularde 02092017 until 02032018

When i talk about suffering in french with Facebook here - 

I just need explain why i draw like this.

I like draw what i feel in my body.

I like draw and cry alone.

When i feel happy today, i remember always that is for a few minutes.

The suffering come back always.

Pain is not impossible to live

Suffering pain is a part of my misery.

I am not proud or ashamed about this.

I just know all stay in my body and i keep alone this misery, but suffering is not unbearable.

May be this is the way for accept old age.

Yes may be this is a a revenge not to band hard enough sex.

You seem to me really leading.
How can you judge a man

Death is a beautiful solution
in the meantime I have to savor this suffering

Yes I prefer to live and maim because my mind needs that.

I have suffered so much through love all my life.

© 2020 - Magaflor -

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